Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Three Times Blessed

 {Nov. 24. 2014}
Photocreds to Alea Bostic // http://aleabostic.wix.com/leemariephotography

As thanksgiving approaches each year, I am always more aware of the things and people i have been blessed with, the lessons I've learned, my relationship with the Lord, and the wonderful life that I have. Like most families, I don't always get along with my siblings. And at times, I feel like we argue more then we get along. However, I cannot imagine life without my big sister (Hope), little brother (Allan), and little sister (Joy). We argue, disagree, make fun of each other, and sometimes get physical haha, but at the end of the day, no matter how mean they were to me or how much we bickered, I wouldn't trade them for anything or anyone else. With them, we have gone through the trial of losing our mom to cancer when Hope was 13, I was 11, Allan was 9, and Joy was 7. Because of that and the way our mom and dad raised us, we drew closer to each other. We learned to encourage more and let the little things go. We have learned how short life can be and how important it is to build relationships with family and friends. These three brown eyed, brunette, sarcastic, and hilarious people make my life complete. I wouldn't say that to them cause we don't do cheesy, ooey gooey feelings often. But each of them contribute to our family. I have 3 forever friends in them, who see my absolute WORST sides, but forgive me and love me still. And I do the same. There is a special bond between siblings and I thank the Lord for the ones he gave to me. Sometimes they are the ones who rat you out when you do something wrong, but sometimes (and more so the case with us), they are ones who help you fix it or distract the parents from finding out. It's a blessing and a curse sometimes :) We may disagree on big things and little things, which is okay. However, we still have to respect each other and try to see their side and accept them for who they are. Love them even if you don't "get" them. These are the people who have known you the longest and have gone through things with you and understand the hard times and good. They are there to laugh on car rides or cry at funerals. Either way, siblings are a gift from God and a treasure. Keep that treasure, don't give them away or push them away at the moments when they don't shine or sparkle like they used to. Give second, third, one billionth chances to them. Keep them and fight for them. They are in your life because God knows you need them. 


Allan (17): Allan is the only boy (bless him) and my little, but not so little brother. Through the years, I have seen him grow  from a little goofy boy to a strong, protective, wise, young man. Him and I butt heads SO MUCH but it is because we both takes things seriously, care deeply,  and want to make sure we are living the right way. We don't agree on things alot, but we move past it. He brings the most laughs into our family and has always been that way. He is very protective of me, Hope, and Joy, even if we don't want him to be. He also is very wise, even at a young age. He has been through things in life that have caused him to mature and gain wisdom. I love him and am proud to be his big sister. Whatever girl marries him, will be a lucky, blessed, and forever happy with him. He is special and a role model to boys, young men, and older men by the way he lives his life, loves the Lord, and serves others. He is a stud but also a servant. I"m thankful God has blessed our family with him

Hope (21): Hope is my big sister and the oldest of the 4. She is very different from me but we still have common ground. She is independent, charismatic, passionate, outgoing, and strong willed. She has a special and sometimes more difficult role as the oldest because the rest of us are watching her. We watch what she does, how she reacts to things, the choices she makes, the friends she chooses, and the way she presents herself to the world. From watching her grow up, I have learned what things about her I want to do the same, and some things I definitely don't want to do haha. She has been the best sister I could have picked and our personalities go together perfectly. (God knew what he was doing). She has been my best friend and an irreplaceable friend who has helped me when i was in pain, laughed with me when I was being weird (or HILARIOUS cause I am). and she has taught me so much about Christ, life, and college. I am thankful God gave me a big sister to look up to and that she was Hope. 



Joy (15): The baby!! Oh goodness. Joy is the youngest and usually the most annoying (sorry Joy). But she is still loved and adored. When Joy was born, she had holes in her lungs, was rushed to the ICU, then flown by helicopter form Montgomery to Jackson Hospital in Bham. The doctors told my family that they were not sure she would make it to the hospital because her health was in critical condition. That's something I cannot imagine going through as a mom, but my mom and dad prayed without ceasing and trusted God with Joy's life. And God saved her- he healed her and gave her life. She spent several more weeks in the hospital but finally came home. We were THRILLED to meet our new baby sister. All that to say, Joy was a miracle baby and reminder of God's providence, control, and power. JOy is full of life, love, and joy. So her name fits her perfectly :) She brings loudness, jokes (some stupid but some good), and reminds us to breathe and enjoy life. She is a blessing tome and i love having a little sister i can give advice to, encourage, teach, and influence. She is strong and a fighter, which she has been since day 1. I know she will do great things and I am excited to be here to see it! 


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