Thursday, May 25, 2017

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

"Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called children of GOD." 
Matthew 5:9

We hear all about being peace in the Bible like in Galatians 5 when it says peace is a fruit of the spirit. Or Colossians 3:15 where it tells us to let peace rule in our hearts and minds. And finally, in Matthew 5 it tells us to be peacemakers and as a result, we will be blessed AND called God's children. God says if you make peace and encourage peace you are his son or his daughter. That rocks. But what does that reallyyyy mean? I'll explain the contrary (so what it is like to not be a peacemaker), what the results and consequences of that are, and then why we should be peacemakers. 

How to not be a peacemaker: Find, start, and dwell in drama. 

When you choose to take part of the gossip. When you choose to hold a grudge. When you choose to not forgive. When you chose to start a rumor. When you choose to hold on to an offense. When you choose to chase drama over peace, you are choosing to be like Satan instead of the Savior.

Jesus Christ was made fun of, mocked, gossiped about, lied about, betrayed, offended, beaten, and killed. The one and only perfect person was not treated like any perfect person should be. Why? because he lived in a world full of sinners--sinners who he came to forgive and save.One of my favorite pastors preached a whole sermon on the topic of the destruction that believers cause when they choose to be offended and not let go of it. In that sermon he said, "Don't build a FENCE over and OFFENSE." He was saying DO NOT let something that someone said or did offend you so greatly and do not hold on to it so much that you build a fence between them and you that causes hatred, division, and strife. Do not let an offense build a fence that blocks you from relationships. If Jesus started to build a fence every time He was offended or sinned against, he would have a built a fence so long and high that the cross could not have been reached. If Jesus didn't build a fence, neither should we.

When Jesus was betrayed by disciple, denied by his best friend, gossiped about by his people, beaten, mocked, and killed, what did he say?  "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice" (Luke 23:34). GUYS!! He was hanging on the cross, bleeding to death, as men gambled for the clothes that were just stripped off of his body. He could have said "Father, curse them. Destroy them. Show them your wrath." But no, he said "Forgive them." If Jesus Christ, God's perfect Son, can forgive every single sin of every single person that was ever created, we sure has heck can forgive our brothers, sisters, friends, bosses, coworkers, enemies, teachers, exes, spouses, and children. We have no choice but to forgive.

The life of Jesus--his actions, reactions, words, deeds, and thoughts are a road map of how we are called to live. And Jesus forgave. Jesus let stuff go. Jesus got over the drama. Jesus walked away from temptation. Jesus gave second chances. Jesus loved the worst of us so much that he bled out on a cross so we wouldn't have to. And if we think we are above creating peace and forgiving, then we are putting ourselves in a place that makes us higher than the rest of humanity. We are putting ourselves in a place that only Jesus Christ should be.

People will hurt you, gossip about you, lie to you, offend you, break you, and slander you. But when they do, before you fight back, before you hate them, before you decide in your heart, soul and mind that they are not worth forgiving, think about King Jesus. Think about him carrying his own cross to Calvary's hill to die a brutal death all so that you could be forgiven. Offer forgiveness and peace even when the other person doesn't want it or accept it. Do not follow Satan by creating, seeking out, or carrying out drama. Choose to be like Jesus and pray for a forgiving heart and the ability to seek out ways to create peace, instead of seeking out ways to dissolve it. When we seek out and make peace, we become closer to God and become men and women after His own heart. Choose to love, forgive, and make peace. God's Kingdom and the lost world depend on it.