Thursday, May 25, 2017

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

"Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called children of GOD." 
Matthew 5:9

We hear all about being peace in the Bible like in Galatians 5 when it says peace is a fruit of the spirit. Or Colossians 3:15 where it tells us to let peace rule in our hearts and minds. And finally, in Matthew 5 it tells us to be peacemakers and as a result, we will be blessed AND called God's children. God says if you make peace and encourage peace you are his son or his daughter. That rocks. But what does that reallyyyy mean? I'll explain the contrary (so what it is like to not be a peacemaker), what the results and consequences of that are, and then why we should be peacemakers. 

How to not be a peacemaker: Find, start, and dwell in drama. 

When you choose to take part of the gossip. When you choose to hold a grudge. When you choose to not forgive. When you chose to start a rumor. When you choose to hold on to an offense. When you choose to chase drama over peace, you are choosing to be like Satan instead of the Savior.

Jesus Christ was made fun of, mocked, gossiped about, lied about, betrayed, offended, beaten, and killed. The one and only perfect person was not treated like any perfect person should be. Why? because he lived in a world full of sinners--sinners who he came to forgive and save.One of my favorite pastors preached a whole sermon on the topic of the destruction that believers cause when they choose to be offended and not let go of it. In that sermon he said, "Don't build a FENCE over and OFFENSE." He was saying DO NOT let something that someone said or did offend you so greatly and do not hold on to it so much that you build a fence between them and you that causes hatred, division, and strife. Do not let an offense build a fence that blocks you from relationships. If Jesus started to build a fence every time He was offended or sinned against, he would have a built a fence so long and high that the cross could not have been reached. If Jesus didn't build a fence, neither should we.

When Jesus was betrayed by disciple, denied by his best friend, gossiped about by his people, beaten, mocked, and killed, what did he say?  "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice" (Luke 23:34). GUYS!! He was hanging on the cross, bleeding to death, as men gambled for the clothes that were just stripped off of his body. He could have said "Father, curse them. Destroy them. Show them your wrath." But no, he said "Forgive them." If Jesus Christ, God's perfect Son, can forgive every single sin of every single person that was ever created, we sure has heck can forgive our brothers, sisters, friends, bosses, coworkers, enemies, teachers, exes, spouses, and children. We have no choice but to forgive.

The life of Jesus--his actions, reactions, words, deeds, and thoughts are a road map of how we are called to live. And Jesus forgave. Jesus let stuff go. Jesus got over the drama. Jesus walked away from temptation. Jesus gave second chances. Jesus loved the worst of us so much that he bled out on a cross so we wouldn't have to. And if we think we are above creating peace and forgiving, then we are putting ourselves in a place that makes us higher than the rest of humanity. We are putting ourselves in a place that only Jesus Christ should be.

People will hurt you, gossip about you, lie to you, offend you, break you, and slander you. But when they do, before you fight back, before you hate them, before you decide in your heart, soul and mind that they are not worth forgiving, think about King Jesus. Think about him carrying his own cross to Calvary's hill to die a brutal death all so that you could be forgiven. Offer forgiveness and peace even when the other person doesn't want it or accept it. Do not follow Satan by creating, seeking out, or carrying out drama. Choose to be like Jesus and pray for a forgiving heart and the ability to seek out ways to create peace, instead of seeking out ways to dissolve it. When we seek out and make peace, we become closer to God and become men and women after His own heart. Choose to love, forgive, and make peace. God's Kingdom and the lost world depend on it.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose.

"The students in your youth ministry don't need your clever ideas and great programming skills. They need a living model -- a man or woman of God who is passionate about his or her faith." Doug Fields
If you had asked me 4 years ago when I graduated high school where I would be in 2016, I would never have said serving in a youth ministry for almost 3 years. But had I known that, I wouldn't have known how much I would fall in love with it and how much it has impacted my life, as a leader and teacher. 
Since first grade I knew I wanted to be a teacher. And by teacher I meant at school, from 8:00-3:00, with little bitty kiddos, teaching math and spelling, NOT middle and high school students from church. I also never thought I would be qualified to teach others so much and for so long about faith, Christ, and life. But that's what's funny; God uses us in ways we never saw coming. He shows up in ways we didn't expect and equips us for roles and tasks we never thought we would be a part of. And I love that. I've been at my church for 3 years, and like all churches, there's been rough patches and times where we searched for the right leadership. But through all of those times, I have found my heart falling deeper in love with Jesus and deeper in love with the students who walk into the doors and into my life. 
Student ministry (and I'm not expert), isn't easy. It's not just picking some catchy songs, choosing a book to study, and coming up with cool games and events. Yeah those are important, but there's so much more to it. I'm just a college student who found a place where service was needed and found people who needed love and encouragement. God placed me in a place I wouldn't have found on my own. When I think about what this journey has been like so far, I kept thinking of "clear eyes. full hearts. can't lose" from one of my favorite shows, Friday Night Lights. And here's why my mind kept jumping to that quote and idea...
Clear Eyes.
When I was transferring colleges and moving back to Montgomery, I was bitter and angry and did N O T want to move. I wanted to trust that God was going to bring good from it but my sinful and stubborn heart was not having it. However, after only a few weeks of being home, I found my current church and was plugged in immediately with another lady who was teaching middle school girls. I always taught the little kids and helped with children's ministry so I was hesitant and nervous about teenagers and junior high students. For a time, I forgot that I'm not the one in control and serving and influencing these students was not going to be fruitful based on my own strength. I felt completely unequipped to serve but I kept going. After about a month, I started loving it. I loved the girls, the other leaders, the environment, and the life change I was seeing. 
Here's what I'm getting at, the Bible says, "I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken" (Psalm 16:18). This verse, along with Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." tell us EXACTLY what to do as we go through our lives every day. We are to focus on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. We are to dig into His word daily, talk to him daily, and fill our hearts and souls up with his truth and promises. When we keep our eyes on Him, He will show us where to go. He will guide our steps and lead us to the perfect place, the perfect role, the perfect situation. His plans are good and they are far greater than anything we could come up with or write ourselves. This isn't always easy but thankfully the Lord is forgiving and shows us grace when we take some wrong turns because He always leads us back to Him and into His sovereign will.
When your eyes, heart, mind, and soul are seeking and running after the will of God, your vision will clear. Your eyes will be clear and you will see the goodness that is right in front of you. Like I said, if it were up to me, I would never have chosen youth ministry- I didn't ever think it was the right fit for me or something I would succeed at. I'm glad that I was wrong and God was not. I have had times recently with students that have been so so hard and have stretched me so thin and I almost  gave up. Why? Because I took my eyes off Jesus, even if it was just for a minute. I ran into an obstacle and I started depending on my own abilities and strength to fix and make it better. For weeks I was doing this and it was not pretty. I was believing lies from the devil that told me I was not doing a good job, I was being impatient, I was imperfect, and I was failing my students and the Lord. These lies started to take root in my heart and mind because I was looking away from Christ and looking to myself instead.  Thankfully, through advice from other leaders and friends and so much prayer, my eyes were placed back on Christ. Once again, my vision and my eyes were clear. I could see God using me as a tool to build his kingdom and to touch lives.
Full Heart.
I'm one of those people who loves people very quickly, genuinely, and deeply so I was not surprised when each student I met began to hold a special place in my heart. As time has passed, they've grown up, moved up in school, and progressed through life group and bible studies at church. I've been able to get to know so many girls throughout the last 3 years and they have made my heart so full. What started out as my trying to remember names (and rarely getting them right) on Wednesdays and Sundays, turned into relationships and discipleship that takes place every single day. I quickly realized that 2 hours twice a week was not enough time for me to properly get to know the students because discipleship and relationships require tire, sacrifice, consistency, and loyalty. I've learned it's more than just meeting and teaching when the church meets. It takes off campus discipleship, long phone calls, last minute lunch meetings, and hour long talks after church in the parking lot to truly make a difference. Sometimes you don't think you have time for it, but in my experience, it has never been an inconvenience. My schedule is not nearly as important or convenient as the souls of my students. My heart has never been more full or joyful than it is right now. I have seen how God has changed me and molded me into someone who is making a difference here on earth that will continue into eternity. 
I have a friend who also works with youth and we both agree that our faces and hearts light up when we are around our students. There's a different kind of energy and joy that we experience when we're with them, no matter how exhausted or stressed we are. I've seen how God has taken my big heart and and made it even bigger. He has filled it up with his never ending love so I could fill up others. No matter how much I give away my heart stays full and it's the best feeling in the world. 
It's hard to be a good, lasting influence in today's world because students really are so plagued by and exposed to terrible things and the darkness of the world. That can really be discouraging and terrifying to leaders but I like to see it as my chance to step up, lead, and be a light that casts out the darkness. Not every student will listen to you. Not every student will care at all what you're saying. Not every student will open up to you. Not every student will become a light. However, one student, one life change, one rebirth glorifies God and kicks Satan in the butt. Yall, the enemy is fighting so hard right now and all we can do is hold fast to God's word and speak it to everyone we know. We have to have full hearts that can't help but explode for Jesus and his kingdom. 
Can't Lose.
When I get discouraged or upset about something I see or hear about students, whether they're in my youth group or not, I have to remember that God is in control. Hard times are guaranteed but He has overcome the world. My job is to pour into, love on, and guide others to Christ. On many occasions I've recieved, "hey can I ask you for advice?" or "can we get breakfast? I need your help with some things i'm dealing with" texts. These texts constantly encourage me and remind me that YES I am here, RIGHT here, RIGHT where I am for a reason. Student pastors, interns, and leaders can be the most important people in so many students' lives. I just think about all the stories in the Bible and the people God used for his Kingdom and for His purpose and I think, "wow. That's me. We are those people in today's world. We are called by the King of Kings to change the world." Holy moly. What an honor and what a blessing. We are the Noah's, Moses's, David's, Paul's, and Peter's of the 21st century and we are raising up the leaders of the next generation. Mayne that's intimidating to you but for me it's stinkin amazing. 4 years ago, 3 years ago, even one year ago, I would not have known how much I am impacting 13 and 14 year olds. That's the same for every youth pastor, bible study leader, and intern. We have no idea how much God will use us or where He will use it. Keep your eyes on HIm and he will make your path clear. Fill your heart with truth and joy from Him and that will allow you to fill up others.  I can't imagine not doing this; not working with youth, not discipling and growing with students, for the rest of my life. I pray that the rest of my life involves ministering to and inviting students into my home and into my heart. I pray that God continues to place students in my life that need the love of God and someone to speak and show it to them. Like in 3 John 1:4 I have no greater joy than seeing and witnessing children (and one day my own) walking in the truth. What a joyful and breathtaking sight that is. 
No matter how hard Sunday morning or wednesday night or random thursday morning breakfast is, God can't lose. And if we on God's team, we can't lose either. The devil will (and has) try to knock you down. He will try to make you feel inadequate. He will try to make you give up. But he will not win. If you keep your eyes clear and focused, your heart full of love and truth, then you can't lose. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

When You Feel Like You're Unlovable

"God shows His love for us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8

Okay okay so this is a hard topic. As a girl, I've definitely felt unlovable at times and about 100% of my friends have said the same thing. Feeling unlovable is a natural thing that happens when someone we love either doesn't love us back or doesn't love us as much as we love them. Or when someone doesn't love us enough to fight or doesn't love us enough to be honest. Or when they don't love us enough to fight through the not so easy parts of life, love, and relationships. We feel unlovable when we compare ourselves to someone else who we think is more lovable. The list goes on and on. I have done this and I still do this and you probably have too. 

When I meet someone who I love with my whole heart (which happens a lot) I am aware and understand that I become vulnerable. And when they know you love them, you become even more vulnerable. Which can be scary. However, for me at least, fear isn't a good enough for me to stop loving or to love people less. I've been hurt, lied to, left alone, and replaced by someone "better". It stinks and it scars you. But your scars, your experiences, your moments of hurt, pain, and weakness are when God is strongest. He straight up tells us that, "My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in your weakness" (2 Cor 12:9). Woah. That's awesome. When I am weak, when we are weak, HE is strong. His strength carries us through the hardest times in life. Without Him, where we would be? I know that without my loving Father and Prince of peace, I would be crying on the bathroom floor wondering what was wrong with me and why a boy would leave me for someone else. I would sit and cry and fill my mind with so many lies about why I am not good enough for a guy, a friend, a parent, a teacher. I would tell myself reasons why I am hard to love, why I am hard to commit to, why I am hard to fight for. But thank goodness, thank thank goodness King Jesus holds my heart and restores my soul (Psalm 23:3). 

Here is the question I have to ask myself; literally ask myself as I stare in the mirror at my tear filled eyes and broken heart: Why am I allowing a man (or woman) to define my worth and decide how much love I deserve? 

I have been created by the King of Kings and SAVIOR OF THE WORLD and He says that I am good, I am precious, and I am His. (James 1:7: "every good and perfect comes from above.") He thinks that I am so precious and such a treasure that He, willfully and humbly, gave His PERFECT son's life so that He could have me. And His perfect Son willingly and humbly gave us His life and allowed us to be close to God. Jesus says, "the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep" (john 10:10-11). Talk about TRUE LOVE!
Guys will steal your heart instead of protecting it. People will steal your kindness without giving any back. Your trust will be broken with no way for it to be repaired. Your loyalty will be taken for granted. Your faithfulness will be taken lightly by people who don't stay faithful to you. All of those things sting. They leave a pit in your stomach and a hole in your heart. People will fail you and men will try to destroy you. But please please remember this: 
"If we (humans) are faithless, he remains faithful." 
(2 timothy 2:13). 

And when our world, our lives, our hope seems to be falling apart, He is right there, holding us together:

"The lord will fight for you. you need only be still."
(Exodus 14:14) 

When you have a pit in your stomach, when you want to cry on the bathroom floor, when you want to close your heart and never love again, remember this:

"He redeems your life from the pit, he crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, he satisfies you with good things..."
(Psalm 103:4-5)

When the stability and safety and comfort that you found in a man or a friendship goes down in flames, the solid rock and everlasting foundation is still there to hold you up. When we are weak, He makes us strong through his love:

"This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, 
my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him."
(Psalm 91:2) 

 "But I will sing about your strength, my God, and 
I will celebrate because of your love. You are my fortress, 
my place of protection in times of trouble.” ‭‭
 (Psalm 59:16)

These words that God has written for us are the truest and most real words we will ever read or hear. His promises are never broken. His words of endearment, His vow to love us, His affection for us are real and eternal. There is nothing we can do to make him leave us. Nothing we can do to make him stop loving us. Nothing we can do to make him choose someone else. There is nothing greater or sweeter than to be loved by the One who created our hearts, our quirks, our personalities, and our souls. Jesus came to rescue you from your wandering and from your heartache. Run to Him because his love is greater than the most magical love story on earth and his loyalty is more real than the rising sun. Run to the one who takes your broken heart and makes it new. Because to Him, you are the furthest thing from unlovable.