Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Jesus Marathon

Alright so marathons are NOT easy. I trained for my first half marathon with my close friend and high school basketball coach, Sarah, winter of 2013. Training starts out simple and easy. You run a couple miles about 4 days a week. While running 2 miles on my scheduled day, I was thinking, "Man. This is easy." And yes, it was easy during weeks 1 and 2. However, once week 3 came around, my mind quickly changed. Training became harder once I had to run 5-6 miles at a time instead of 2. In addition to more mileage, winter weather, rain, and wind made runs even worse. Making it through the day's workout took great amounts of perseverance, encouragement, and keeping my eyes focused on the goal. My goal for this was to run 13.1 miles and not die. I didn't care what my time was (even though I hoped for under 2:30). I just wanted to make it to the finish line, knowing all my time, dedication, and passion for running paid off. Thankfully, when March 15, 2014 (aka Race Day) came around, I was confident that my training and work would be worth it. I was right; 2 hours and 10 minutes later, I crossed that finish line. I was met by family and friends who cheered me on and congratulated me on my success. The race ended, and I was done. The long journey of hard work, moments of discouragement, pain, and perseverance was over and in the end, I had successfully finished the marathon. Even though I had a few bumps, bruises, and couldn't breathe, I came out with a smile and happy heart. The pain I had been feeling, was quickly diminished by the joy that came at the end. Every sore ankle, knee, and cramp was worth it.

In Hebrews 12 Paul writes to Titus about "running with endurance the race that is set before us" (12:1). This race is like an actual, physical race. We can either run it or not. We can "train" for it or we can not. We can persevere through the hard or we can give up. We can keep our eyes focused on the joy of the finish line or we can become discouraged and decide it is not worth it. Both types of runs require immense amounts of habits, perseverence, and passion. If these are missing, we cannot cross that finish line.

{Chapter 12:1-3 says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured form sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted."}

Paul is not talking about an actual race and he is not literally telling Titus to go run a marathon. He is making an analogy to what we call the "spiritual race." This race is far more difficult than any worldly race, but it is also much more rewarding and lasting than a worldly race. Just like I spent around 5 months training, growing, and preparing for my marathon, the same has to be done in this spiritual race. Let me explain something first- our end goal in this race is to bring glory to our Heavenly Father through our lives and to build a relationship with Him that lasts for eternity.
Okay, that being said, we have to invest DAILY. Like I mean every single day. We don't have to go run 8 miles every day or anything like that but we have to read God's love letter to us; the Bible. In it He tells us about himself, his creation, his plans for us, his love for us, what he has done for us, and much more. The more you read about God, the more you build a relationship with Him. This is where the habits come into play. Make it a habit to read God's Word. Guys, the Bible is literally THE WORDS OF GOD. Everything God wanted to say to us is in that book. READ IT. You will learn about God more and more with every turn of a page. In addition to reading daily, prayer is another habit that needs to be made. Prayer is talking to God. He allows us to speak to Him, talk to him, cry to him, and ask for his help and guidance. He is there for us in His word and in prayer. Just like we talk to and read letters from our friends and loved ones, we must do the same with God.

Perseverance. This is hardest part for me especially in running. Perseverance comes into play when you are running and running and your body hurts and your mind  (which can be your enemy at times) tells you "STOP! Don't keep going. Its too hard and you can't do it. Just stop now and you'll be happy. That's the easiest thing to do." Don't you dare listen. Do not quick for any reason. Perseverance is when you keep going when all you want to do is throw in the towel and quit. I have learned, that I regret quitting more than continuing on even if I end up in pain. Perseverance is key. God promises that he is taking care of us, that we are wrapped in His arms, and that he will guide us and not let us fall. However, he does not promise that it will be easy or without tribulation. If we didn't need help, why would we need God? He is the One who knows and has experienced the worst kind of pain and tribulation. Because of that, He can and will help us through absolutely anything. Big or small. A 5K or a marathon. He hold our hand, pushes us on, and cheers for us the whole time. In Christ, there is not a thing in this world that you cannot overcome. If God is for you, then what can stop you? There is nothing bigger than our God and that is the most comforting fact in the world. When you want to give up and say that this christian life is too hard and comes with too many complications, keep going. Keep jogging. You are almost there. And also just a side note, every time you over come something that is trying to tear you down and destroy you, just remember that you beat the devil. You win and He loses. That being said, persevere. Keep going. Look forward. God is there and he's is calling your name.

At this point (mile 9), I wanted to give up and perseverance kept me going! 

Lastly, when you have a passion for something, it is constantly on your mind, it affects your life, and you never give up on it. Once you have a relationship with the King of Kings, your passion for Him becomes the most imporant and beautiful thing you've ever experienced. Passion forces you to keep trying, even when you fail. It forces you to strive for perfection. It forces you to put your whole entire heart into it, and make it number one. That is what we have to have in order to successfully finish this race. Loving God and loving who He is causes you to become passionate about Him and his commands for your life.

Having encouragers in your life make this run easier. Find people who are also training for this marathon. They are learning about God just like you and some of them are further along in their training, so they can help you by giving you their wisdom that has come through experience. I have been blessed with more encouragers than I deserve. Sarah, my coach, is one of them. Not only did she stay by my side and encourage me to keep going in running, but also in my walk with the Lord. Having people like this is one way God is telling you He loves you and cares about you.
                                           Me and Sarah (aka coach & encourager) 

Do not give up. Because you will reach the finish line and although there will be pain. it will end. The cramps go away. The twisted ankles heal. The pulled muscles will fade away. One artist writes, "All the pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming. So press on and just fight the good fight." It is worth it I promise you. Run the Jesus Marathon. There is not greater reward and your life will never be the same!!
And we finished!! 

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