Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Enamored & In Love

Today me and a group of girls were hanging out and talking about random stuff and eventually, like all girls, got to the topic of guys and dating.  As we became deeper in conversation, we all realized the one thing that we want in our future husbands/ boyfriends. And that is, we want them to be enamored with Christ. Now that's a big word so here's what it means to be enamored- "to be filled with a feeling of love for."  With that being said, we want them to be captivated and in love with us, but even more so in love with Christ. That is one thing that I think people disregard now and days.  If there is a guy who is truly in love with Christ then it will be evident in the way he talks, what he talks about, and how he treats those around him. That is the first thing guys should look for in girls and vice versa. I mean, we hear this all the time but it really is important in relationships and friendships.
                Another thing we talked about was leadership. Girls want their guy friends and boyfriends to be leaders. Not meaning that they have to be serious and mature all the time. Cause how boring would that be? We want to have someone who we can trust with anything and ones that will confront us when we sin and are willing to strengthen each other’s walks with Christ. Guys are called to be leaders and when we see that, it’s so awesome and we love it! It’s amazing to see how many people who you go to high school with, fall and draw away from Christ after they graduate. If we make sure Christ is our focal point in relationships and friendships, then they will really last forever. Those are the ones that Christ smiles upon and he delights in them.
                This summer is a great opportunity for me and my friends to grow closer to Christ together and to challenge each other to do so. I have recently been learning how important this is. When you and your friends honor Christ through your relationship, there are so many benefits and so many more happy memories than if you leave Christ out of it. The girls and I were talking about how we don’t want to look back on any of our friendships and regret anything. God put each person in your life for a reason and we have to acknowledge that.  There’s a reason each one of your friends is here and use the time you have with them to show them Christ’s love and make your friendships glorifying to Him! When you do that, nothing can tear you apart and forgiveness is easier along with trust.
                All this to say, take a look at any relationship you have and any friendships you have and ask yourself if Christ is the focal point of it and if you are spiritually growing through it. Become enamored and in love with Christ!

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