Monday, May 2, 2016

When You Feel Like You're Unlovable

"God shows His love for us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8

Okay okay so this is a hard topic. As a girl, I've definitely felt unlovable at times and about 100% of my friends have said the same thing. Feeling unlovable is a natural thing that happens when someone we love either doesn't love us back or doesn't love us as much as we love them. Or when someone doesn't love us enough to fight or doesn't love us enough to be honest. Or when they don't love us enough to fight through the not so easy parts of life, love, and relationships. We feel unlovable when we compare ourselves to someone else who we think is more lovable. The list goes on and on. I have done this and I still do this and you probably have too. 

When I meet someone who I love with my whole heart (which happens a lot) I am aware and understand that I become vulnerable. And when they know you love them, you become even more vulnerable. Which can be scary. However, for me at least, fear isn't a good enough for me to stop loving or to love people less. I've been hurt, lied to, left alone, and replaced by someone "better". It stinks and it scars you. But your scars, your experiences, your moments of hurt, pain, and weakness are when God is strongest. He straight up tells us that, "My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in your weakness" (2 Cor 12:9). Woah. That's awesome. When I am weak, when we are weak, HE is strong. His strength carries us through the hardest times in life. Without Him, where we would be? I know that without my loving Father and Prince of peace, I would be crying on the bathroom floor wondering what was wrong with me and why a boy would leave me for someone else. I would sit and cry and fill my mind with so many lies about why I am not good enough for a guy, a friend, a parent, a teacher. I would tell myself reasons why I am hard to love, why I am hard to commit to, why I am hard to fight for. But thank goodness, thank thank goodness King Jesus holds my heart and restores my soul (Psalm 23:3). 

Here is the question I have to ask myself; literally ask myself as I stare in the mirror at my tear filled eyes and broken heart: Why am I allowing a man (or woman) to define my worth and decide how much love I deserve? 

I have been created by the King of Kings and SAVIOR OF THE WORLD and He says that I am good, I am precious, and I am His. (James 1:7: "every good and perfect comes from above.") He thinks that I am so precious and such a treasure that He, willfully and humbly, gave His PERFECT son's life so that He could have me. And His perfect Son willingly and humbly gave us His life and allowed us to be close to God. Jesus says, "the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep" (john 10:10-11). Talk about TRUE LOVE!
Guys will steal your heart instead of protecting it. People will steal your kindness without giving any back. Your trust will be broken with no way for it to be repaired. Your loyalty will be taken for granted. Your faithfulness will be taken lightly by people who don't stay faithful to you. All of those things sting. They leave a pit in your stomach and a hole in your heart. People will fail you and men will try to destroy you. But please please remember this: 
"If we (humans) are faithless, he remains faithful." 
(2 timothy 2:13). 

And when our world, our lives, our hope seems to be falling apart, He is right there, holding us together:

"The lord will fight for you. you need only be still."
(Exodus 14:14) 

When you have a pit in your stomach, when you want to cry on the bathroom floor, when you want to close your heart and never love again, remember this:

"He redeems your life from the pit, he crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, he satisfies you with good things..."
(Psalm 103:4-5)

When the stability and safety and comfort that you found in a man or a friendship goes down in flames, the solid rock and everlasting foundation is still there to hold you up. When we are weak, He makes us strong through his love:

"This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, 
my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him."
(Psalm 91:2) 

 "But I will sing about your strength, my God, and 
I will celebrate because of your love. You are my fortress, 
my place of protection in times of trouble.” ‭‭
 (Psalm 59:16)

These words that God has written for us are the truest and most real words we will ever read or hear. His promises are never broken. His words of endearment, His vow to love us, His affection for us are real and eternal. There is nothing we can do to make him leave us. Nothing we can do to make him stop loving us. Nothing we can do to make him choose someone else. There is nothing greater or sweeter than to be loved by the One who created our hearts, our quirks, our personalities, and our souls. Jesus came to rescue you from your wandering and from your heartache. Run to Him because his love is greater than the most magical love story on earth and his loyalty is more real than the rising sun. Run to the one who takes your broken heart and makes it new. Because to Him, you are the furthest thing from unlovable.